

星座运势admin2023-04-30 11:33:520A+A-


The 12 Zodiac Signs' English Names

The 12 zodiac signs have been a popular topic and a source of interest for many people for centuries. Each sign is said to have unique characteristics and traits associated with it based on the birth month of an individual. In English, the zodiac signs' names are derived from a combination of Latin and Greek words.

Starting from Aries, the first zodiac sign, to Pisces, the last one, here are the English names for the 12 zodiac signs:

1. Aries: The name Aries comes from the Latin word "Aries," which means "ram." As the first sign of the zodiac, it represents a leadership role, energy, and courage.

2. Taurus: The name Taurus comes from the Latin word "Taurus," which means "bull." People born under this sign are known for their stubbornness and are often associated with being grounded and reliable.

3. Gemini: The name Gemini comes from the Latin word "Gemini," meaning "twins." Symbolized by the twins, this sign represents duality, adaptability, and communication.

4. Cancer: The name Cancer comes from the Latin word "Cancer," meaning "crab." People born under this sign are known for their emotional sensitivity and loyalty.

5. Leo: The name Leo comes from the Latin word "Leo," meaning "lion." As the king of the jungle, this sign is associated with leadership, strength, and confidence.

6. Virgo: The name Virgo comes from the Latin word "Virgo," meaning "maiden." People born under this sign are characterized by their practicality and attention to detail.

7. Libra: The name Libra comes from the Latin word "Libra," meaning "balance." As the only zodiac sign symbolized by an inanimate object, the scales, this sign represents harmony, balance, and justice.

8. Scorpio: The name Scorpio comes from the Latin word "Scorpio," meaning "scorpion." Known for their intense passion and mystery, Scorpios are often associated with transformation and regeneration.

9. Sagittarius: The name Sagittarius comes from the Latin word "Sagittarius," meaning "archer." People born under this sign are characterized by their love for adventure, freedom, and exploration.

10. Capricorn: The name Capricorn comes from the Latin word "Capricornus," meaning "horned goat." Known for their ambition and determination, Capricorns are often associated with success and discipline.

11. Aquarius: The name Aquarius comes from the Latin word "Aquarius," meaning "water-carrier." People born under this sign are known for their intellect, humanitarianism, and independence.

12. Pisces: The name Pisces comes from the Latin word "Pisces," meaning "fish." Symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, this sign represents intuition, empathy, and creativity.

In conclusion, understanding the English names of the 12 zodiac signs can aid in deeper comprehension of the unique characteristics and traits associated with each sign. So, if you want to learn more about astrology, start by familiarizing yourself with the English names of the zodiac signs.




Aries 白羊座


Taurus 金牛座


Gemini 双子座


Cancer 巨蟹座


Leo 狮子座


Virgo 处女座


Libra 天秤座


Scorpio 天蝎座


Sagittarius 射手座


Capricorn 摩羯座


Aquarius 水瓶座


Pisces 双鱼座




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