

传统文化admin2023-05-13 16:05:020A+A-









Chinese Zodiac Culture and Its Origin

The Chinese Zodiac is an important aspect of Chinese culture and has a history dating back over 2,000 years. It is also known as Sheng Xiao, meaning 'born resembling', and is based on a twelve-year lunar cycle. Each year, the zodiac is represented by a different animal, starting with the rat and ending with the pig.

According to legend, the Jade Emperor, ruler of the heavens, ordered a great race, inviting all the animals to take part. The first twelve to cross the finish line would each have a year named after them. The rat, who was small but clever, hitched a ride on the back of the ox and jumped off before the finish line, thus winning the race. The ox came in second, followed by the tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and finally the pig.

The Chinese Zodiac is more than just a fun tradition. It is thought to have an impact on people's personalities and fortunes. Each of the twelve animals is believed to have specific characteristics that influence the people born under them. For example, those born in the year of the rat are considered to be innovative, while those born in the year of the tiger are said to be brave and confident.

In addition to individual horoscopes, the Chinese Zodiac is also used to predict the fortunes of a given year. The year of the dragon, for example, is thought to be a lucky and prosperous year, while the year of the pig is believed to be more relaxed and peaceful.

Over time, the Chinese Zodiac has become a popular symbol in modern culture. Many people use it in art, fashion, and design, and the animals themselves have become quite iconic. Each year, people hold celebrations to welcome in the year and to wish good luck and fortune to their loved ones.

In conclusion, the Chinese Zodiac is an important part of Chinese culture with a rich history and deep meanings. It has become an enduring symbol of Chinese culture and continues to play an important role in the lives of many people today.

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