

传统文化admin2023-05-04 11:33:420A+A-









Research Report on Jiangsu Cuisine Culture

Jiangsu province, located on the East Coast of China, has a long history and rich culinary traditions. To better understand the local food culture, our team conducted a survey in Jiangsu and compiled this research report.

Jiangsu cuisine is known for its delicate flavors, high-quality ingredients and beautiful presentation. Popular dishes include Yangzhou fried rice, Wuxi spareribs, and Nanjing salted duck. Jiangsu cuisine features a balance of sweet and sour flavors, often using sugar, vinegar, and soy sauce in cooking. Seafood, freshwater fish, and vegetables are widely used in Jiangsu dishes.

Through our survey, we found that the most recognizable element of Jiangsu cuisine is the soup culture. Jiangsu people love soup, and they have a wide variety of soup recipes to choose from. Some of the most common soups include crab roe and egg soup, bamboo shoot soup, and mushroom chicken soup. Additionally, dietary therapy plays a crucial role in Jiangsu cuisine, with many dishes aimed at promoting health and balancing the body's yin and yang energies.

The history and geography of Jiangsu have also influenced its food culture. The region has two major rivers, the Yangtze River and the Huai River, which have provided abundant aquatic resources for Jiangsu cuisine. Landmarks such as the Grand Canal and the ancient city of Suzhou have also contributed to the region's culinary traditions. Suzhou cuisine, in particular, is famous for its delicate sweetness and has a reputation as a "land of fish and rice" cuisine.


Overall, our research concludes that Jiangsu cuisine is a significant aspect of China's culinary heritage. Its unique flavor profile, use of local ingredients, and emphasis on soup and dietary therapy make it a fascinating and delicious cultural experience for visitors to the region.

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